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Reading witr after tahajjud. After Witr, I can not pray Tahajjud.

Reading witr after tahajjud. Answered by Ustadh Salman Younas Question: 1.

Reading witr after tahajjud Praying Witr After Tahajjud & Make-Up’s; What is the difference between Tahajjud prayer and night prayer, and do they have a particular Witr prayer other than that of Isha`a ? Read answers with similar topics: Adhan Arabic language authentic business Canada children. Allah, the Exalted, says: “ And in some parts of the night (also) perform the Salat (prayer) with it (i. 17; Witr is to be prayed after Tahajjud if someone wishes to pray Tahajjud. “The best of prayers after the prescribed Here in our mosque, in the last ten nights of Ramadan, they pray Taraweeh with twenty rak‘ahs, along with three rak‘ahs of Witr, after ‘Isha’. If you are sure you will wake up in the leave Witr salah until after you finish Tahajjud (but read both Tahajjud and Witr before Fajr starts) Method: simply read two rakat at a time as many times as you want! minimum is of course 2 rakat, but there is no maximum you can make dua (in any language) when you are in sujood or just before you do the salam. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. While Witr is not necessary for the validity of Isha prayer, it is recommended to conclude night prayers Dua tahajjud is a dua that is read when you finish performing tahajjud prayers at night, before continuing to the following main discussion at a glance about tahajjud prayers. 3) Witr is an obligatory prayer (Abu Dawud, 1419), and tahajjud is a nafl prayer (Surah Isra, Here is a small research on the issue of Ta’qeeb (dividing between taraweeh and tahajjud), which is commonly done in the last ten nights of Ramadan. The best time for In almost all of the mosques here, Witr is prayed in congregation after the 20 rakah Taraweeh prayer. The detailed breakdown of Niyyat, especially for the Tahajjud prayer, has helped me understand its importance in Islam. However, if one is unable to recite any verse(s) or Surah after reciting Al-Fatihah, then his Prayer remains valid. It may be that your Rubb will raise you Therefore, whoever performs tahajjud at the beginning of the night (i. Sehri or Suhoor, witr salaah and Esha all end at the same time. If possible, it is most desirable to perform the Tahajjud between midnight and Fajr, preferably in Tahajjud is when you sleep after isha, wake up in the middle of the night to do sets of voluntary salah. Esha - 3 rakaats Witr Wajib 2. When does the time for Witr end? The time for praying Witr ends when dawn comes, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: `The night prayers are two by two, then when you fear that dawn is about to break, then pray one (Rak`ah) and make the prayers that you have offered odd-numbered. Read: How To Pray Tahajjud and Perform Qiyamullail However, if you are unsure whether you are able to wake up at night for your night prayers (e. I had a concern in regards to the witr and tahajjud prayers. Even though this is an extra prayer the Prophet (PBUH) would never leave it, even when he was traveling. Ibn Qudamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Witr is not obligatory. Why “Make witr as your last prayer at night. Related Q&A. The Tahajjud prayer is just like any other Sunnah prayer. So I salat; jamaat; taraweeh; tahajjud; user4150. Importance of Witr Salah. "Abu Hurairah narrated: "Allah's Messenger ordered me to The majority of scholars maintain that it is permissible to make up for a missed witr prayer. A. co. Its time is from Isha to true dawn. za » Reading specific surahs in witr salaah. While there is no fixed number of Rak’ahs, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) often prayed up to thirteen in Ramadan and recommended concluding with one Witr Rak’ah. Both are the The Tahajjud prayer time is from after Isha until the break of dawn. Is it correct?Can we perform Tahajjud or any other Nafil prayer after Witr, if have already offered Witr immediately after Isha prayer? Top Reading. After completing the obligatory Isha rakats: Offer the Shafa prayer (two rakats). It is important to note a few points here to lift any confusion regarding “when” witr should be prayed. w. Q: I want to ask that if I fall asleep at night without offering Isha prayer (unintentionally) and then in the middle of night if I wake up, can I offer isha prayer and soon after that tahajjud prayer? Also, do I read tahajjud prayer before witr or after witr (completing isha prayer and then read tahajjud)? A: Yes. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Sep 1, 2005 · I'm a Muslim woman who prays Tarawih. He would at times offer two sets of four rak’aat and the Witr prayer. ʿAmr b. And its most preferred time is found in the last 1/3 of the night. Answered by Ustadh Salman Younas Question: 1. You just recite Dua Qunoot. If you want to pray tahajjud, then you pray witr after tahajjud. Praise be to Allah. After witr there are no other prayers until fajr. How should we pray in this situation, so that we can guarantee that Imam Al-Nawawi’s Riyad-us-Saliheen Chapter 212 Excellence of Standing in Prayer at Night. The length of one’s recitation, the number of Rakat offered, and the quality of one’s focus determines its outcome. It can be offered any time after Isha and before Fajr. Since we are already waking up early to fast, try waking up a few minutes earlier and your Tahajjud salah. Then of course don’t forget witr. If someone is sure that he would get up at the time of tahajjud then it is better for him to offer witr salah in last night after tahajjud. Is my Witr and Tahajjud valid if I pray 2 sets of prayers of 2 Rak'ah and immediately after I do 1 prayer of 1 rak'ah to finish, fulfilling Tahajjud and Witr. However, there are Jun 28, 2009 · Explore the permissibility of praying Tahajjud after Witr and the status of Isha prayer in our comprehensive Fatwa. The Tahajjud prayer is offered after the obligatory Isha prayer and before the Fajr prayer. Not delaying any of tahajjud or Witr until the break of dawn. One such hadith is Witr: Witr prayer is the final prayer of the night and is considered a confirmed Sunnah. The Prophet’s ﷺ usual practice was to offer 8 rakats Tahajjud and 3 rakats Witr. He wanted to emphasize that it is First of all, we’d like to state that reciting a Qur’anic Surah or some Qur’anic verses after Al-Fatihah is a Sunnah in the first two rak`ahs (Prayer units) of any Prayer whether obligatory or supererogatory such as tahajjud Prayer. ” Imam Al-Tahawi, one of the greatest Hanafi scholars, devotes an entire chapter of his magnificent work Sharh Ma’ani al-Athar to this issue (i. Read answers with similar topics: fiqh Hadith Hanafi JAMAAT nafl. Is there a basis in Islamic scripture for reciting Ikhlas, Falaq, Nas in the 3rd rakat of Witr? Are there any alternate Duas to Dua-e-Qunoot which can be read in the Witr Salaah? Is there a difference between the Witr of Isha and the Witr prayed during Tahajjud time? Sunnah Surahs to recite in I usually make intention of getting up for tahajjud and pray witr after tahajjud , sometimes I sleep, get up late only to Fajr prayer and miss witr prayer. net/announcement/Do you have a question:https://www. from after Was tahajjud prayer obligatory because it is mentioned in the Quran (17:79), if not then let me know that whether it is Sunnah or nafl? Answer (Fatwa: 1074/1074/M=1433) Tahajjud salah is not fardh rather it is nafl, but the holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) has regularly performed it Read answers with similar topics: Prayer Salaah SALAH tahajjud Witr. Therefore, it is desirable for one, who thought that he was most probably going to wake up at night in order to offer Tahajjud, to offer Witr after it, but one, who fears that he might not wake up, should offer Witr before going to bed. 6k views. And i read in islam q&a that more the time passes better are the rewards in case of tahajjud. Many scholars agree that Witr prayer is a Sunnah, while some consider it obligatory, emphasizing its importance in night prayers as practiced by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is the best way to go. Hope that made Tahajjud, Witr, Taraweeh and Qiyaam al Layl The terms Tahajjud, Witr, Taraweeh and Qiyaam al Layl are used for the supererogatory night Portalislam. If someone is likely to get up for tahajjud, he/she should say witr at the end of Combining Witr with the Isha prayer simplifies the process. While Witr is not necessary for the validity of Isha prayer, it is recommended to conclude night prayers The Prophet ﷺ would perform either eleven or thirteen rakʿahs of tahajjud, including the witr prayer. You can Perform Tahajjud only after Isha prayer and after (waking up from) a sleep even if it is a short The Tahajjud prayer, acknowledged as Qiyam allayl, can be performed after sleeping, extending from after ‘Isha’ until Fajr, with the optimal time the last third of the night. a. This answer was collected from the official government Iftaa Department of Jordan. Featured Islam The Prophet’s (pbuh) dua after Tahajjud. However, towards the later part of his life, he used to offer 4 rakats tahajjud. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to offer this Namaz frequently, which increases it importance in a Muslim`s life manifold. A person who performs witr usually does that in odd numbers. I always thought that no salat can be given after witr. If you don't know that, you should read any du'a from the Qur'an. Unlike the other rak’ats of tahajjud, which Rasulullah The first 8(eight) Rak’ats are prayed as normal in pairs of two Rak’ats each with the niyyah of Nawafilatul-Layl. Since people pray it with isha prayer and some people pray it after Tahajjud. This is the opinion of Imam Abu Hanifah. Solat Tahajjud), you may consider performing the Witr prayer before you `Abdullah ibn `Abbas, describing the night prayer (tahajjud) of the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), said at the end of a longer narration, “Then he did that three times, [for] six rakats [in total], in all of that using the tooth stick and performing wudu and reciting these verses. Can missed witr be prayed in daytime if I miss tahajjud and wake up late for Fajr? Praying Witr After Tahajjud & Make-Up’s; Should one repeat Witr Salaah after Tahajjud, if he already performed it? Another common misconception is the Witr prayer is thought to be part of Isha Salah, this is not entirely correct. Mufti Ismaeel Bassa Q: Can you perform Tahajud Salaah with your husband and which surahs must be read in this salaah. Explore the significance of praying Tahajjud after Witr in Islamic tradition. ” (Narrated by Al Dua for end of Qunoot of Salatul Witr 22 Dua after ruku of of Salatul Witr 24 Dua after Salatul Witr (DUA HAZEEN) 25 . Read answers with Jan 29, 2019 · The witr prayer is meant to be the last prayer of the night before the fajr prayer. He then used to get up in the last part of the night to offer Tahajjud prayers and Witr. Any portion of the Qur'aan may be recited. The last third of the night is a very blessed time. In the final rak'ah after reading Surah Fatiha and a surah, you do not need to read Surah Fatiha or another surah again. 620 H. Praying Witr After Tahajjud & Make-Up’s; What is the difference between Tahajjud prayer and night prayer, and do they have a particular Witr prayer other than that of Isha`a ? Witr and And if you read Witr with Isha prayer, you can still read Tahajjud; there is no problem. Islam 101; Allah; Muhammad ([pbuh) Quran; Sunnah even if it is spending one hour in prayer, reading Quran, glorifying Allah (سبحانه و تعالى‎), through tasbeeh, listening to He prays tahajjud in the night with what Allah makes easy for him and if he delays witr until the end of the night, then there is no harm. So the Muslim should pray two rak‘ahs by two, reciting whatever he is able to of the Holy Qur’an, then he should pray Witr after that. ” [Shurunbulali, Maraqi al-Falah] Mar 16, 2019 · However, he is also known to have allowed people to say their witr at the end of Isha. MV Media February 12, 2015 3 min read. With the two Namaz Tahajjud Rakat, the holy Prophet used to pray one additional rakat of Witr The cut-off point for praying Tahajjud is when the exact the time for Fajr begins. They say that if a person is sure they will get up in the last third of the night for Tahajjud, they should not pray Witr after Isha. Evidence from Hadiths. But it is permissible to pray witr, go to bed, then wake up for tahajjud as mentioned in this previous answer. The best time for Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani . End your night prayers with Witr, which is usually one or three rak’ahs. `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) observed Witr prayer in every part How To Pray Tahajjud And Witr? The Prophet ﷺ used to offer Isha fardh and sunnahs before going to sleep. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) commanded that the last prayer offered at night should be Witr, but this command is in the sense that it is How To Pray Tahajjud . It can also be prayed after performing tahajjud. Imam Ibn Qudamah (d. Unblemished is He Whose covering is Dignity itself and Whose Word is Dignified. SALATUT TAHAJJUD IN THE QUR’AN ¨The time for Salatut Tahajjud begins after midnight until the time for Salatul Fajr (morning prayers). An example would be you wake up at 2 AM and then pray 6 sets of 2 rakat salahs. Rather, it can be prayed after the `isha prayer or delayed till after the performance of tahajjud. Ruling on neglecting witr prayer. Abu Hanifah said: it is obligatory. Is it beneficial and permissible according to the hanafi fiqh to read witr at this time? Answer: Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,This is highly virtuous, and the means for great reward. Should one repeat Witr Salaah after Tahajjud, if he already performed it? Spouses Reading Tahajjud Together; Can I stay up for Fajr and skip sleep for tahajjud? Khufton consists of 4 rak'ats of Farz, 2 rak'ats of Sunnah and 3 rak'ats of witr. Moreover, there is no specified Witr for both of them, but Witr after Isha`a is by itself the Witr of Qiyam, and it is a Sunnah to postpone it until after Qiyam if the worshiper thought that he was most probably going to wake up in order to offer it, but if he wasn`t sure Witr is almost compulsory. Making up for Years of Missed Prayer. Ahadith related from Hadhrat Aa’isha [radhiyallahu anha] state that Nabie [salallahu alaihi wasallam] sometimes performed Tahajjud in the early portion of the night and on occasions when half the night had passed. The couple may perform Tahajjud in Jamaat, with the For those unfamiliar, Hisnul Muslim (Fortress of the Muslim) is a well-known du'a book compiled by Said Bin Ali Bin Wahf Al-Qahtani. Sep 14, 2012 · Therefore, if one invariably gets up for tahajjud (the night vigil), then it is best to pray witr then. Since witr is primarily a part of Tahajud, it is not obligatory. " Sahih Muslim 751 How to perform Tahajjud Prayer. How can I pray missed witr? بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Fatwa: 373/377/B=5/1438) If you are sahib-e-tartib (performed all salah after maturity) and The Witr Prayer is the last prayer of the night. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “If the morning approaches, and you have yet to pray witr, you should pray the witr Prayer. However, the reward for Tahajjud Salaah increases if it is performed after half of the night has elapsed. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. g. Witr prayer is Sunnah muakkadah (a confirmed sunnah) according to the majority of scholars, and some of the fuqaha regarded it as obligatory. It takes like 20-30 minutes. It is better to pray it during the last part of night if you are sure that you will wake up at tahajjud time. The fact that witr prayer is not obligatory is indicated by the hadith narrated by al-Bukhari (1891) and Muslim (11) from Talhah ibn ‘Ubayd-Allah (may Allah Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Asalamo alykum The Imam at the mosque where I go for tarawih prayer also prays witr jamaat. 4: After wudu, offer tahajjud prayer. im confused about when to pray Witr cos everyone says to pray it after Tahajjud but Tahajjud is only after sleeping and we hv to pray Witr before sleeping. Shaykh Ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Witr is part of the night prayer, and it is Sunnah and it is the end of the night prayer, one Rak`ah with which one concludes the night prayers at the end of the night, or in the middle of the night, or at the beginning of the The Tahajjud is a special Islamic night prayer that is recommended, though not compulsory, for all Muslims. But as far as I know, Witr is to be prayed after Tahajjud if someone wishes to pray Tahajjud. Answer It means Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) would offer his three witr as well as the two rak’ats before it while standing. After Witr, I can not pray Tahajjud. Unlock the secrets of Tahajjud Prayer: Learn the reasons why it's vital, how it can transform your faith, and easy ways to perform this sacred act. One of the common queries is how to pray Witr after Tahajjud: Pray your Tahajjud first, performing as many rak’ahs as you like in pairs (2, 4, 6, or more). It can be read in two rakaahs and four rakaahs. Fataawa Islamiyyah, 1/339 . Tahajjud begins after Esha and ends when Sehri ends. But if you fear that you won;’t be able to get up in the last part of the night for tahajjud, offer Witr with Isha because they’re mandatory prayers (Wajib) Dua To I've been learning the fiqh of salah in the Hanafi madhab and witr is best prayed at the end of tahajjud if one knows they are going most likely going to wake for tahajjud. If we are not sure that we will get up for Tahajjud prayers and we read the witr prayer during Isha only and the we do get up for Tahjjud can we pray Tahajjud even if we have read Witr? (There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. Ibn 'Umar said: "He who prayed at night should make Witr the end of his prayer, for the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) ordered this. Praying 3, 5, 7, and 9 ra’kah for witr salat is permissible. , recite the Qur’an in the prayer) as an additional prayer (Tahajjud optional prayer – Nawafil) for you (O Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)). However, its preferred time ends 10 or 15 minutes earlier. While Witr is generally considered a confirmed Dec 2, 2008 · Explore the significance of praying Tahajjud after Witr in Islamic tradition. The Witr Witr may be performed after Tahajjud. How to Pray Tahajjud and Witr? If you wish to pray Tahajjud, it’s ideal to delay Witr until after Tahajjud It means that offering Namaz of Tahajjud is one of the supreme signs of the true disciples of Islam that is why Allah SWT has declared them as His loyal servants in the above verse of Furqan e Hameed. We are notallowed to offer any Nafil after the Witr prayer, not even Tahajjud. Menu Calender Answered by Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Mangera I read in Talim ul Haq that one can pray 2 rakat nafl after the witr prayer. Since witr is primarily a part of Tahajjud, it is not obligatory. 3. It is just one rakah and it’s considered that since maghrib is only odd one this closes and makes it even number of rakkah. If one did not read witr until dawn, it is obligatory to read its qaza (Tirmizi, 1/466; Ibn Moja, 1/1188). Does this mean that the taraweeh count as the tahajjud? If not then should I leave the mosque after offering the tarawih and pray the witr at home with tahajjud?Answer: Wa alaikum Du'a al-Qunut is recited in the last rak’ah of Witr prayer, after bowing, but if one recites it before bowing it doesn’t matter. And Allah 2 days ago · Therefore, it is desirable for one, who thought that he was most probably going to wake up at night in order to offer Tahajjud, to offer Witr after it, but one, who fears that he might not wake up, should offer Witr before going to bed. As for witr prayer. One consideration is that it is only Read: Dua Qunut for Subuh Prayers and Dua Qunut Nazilah with Arabic/English Transliteration. Tahajjud time begins after the Isha and lasts till the time of the Fajr. You will finish your Tahajjud by ending it with Witr salah. One consideration is that it is only Tahajjud Time. 2. – Amir RAZA In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Whereas, if its performance can be carried out in the congregation, and Need One to One live Counseling with Sheikh Assim?:https://www. That is what he recommended for his Ummah also. Mar 12, 2024 · Read: Dua Qunut for Subuh Prayers and Dua Qunut Nazilah with Arabic/English Transliteration. Known as the best among the voluntary prayers, the Tahajjud is prayed after Isha (the obligatory nightly prayer) and before Fajr (the obligatory morning prayer). Otherwise, one should pray witr before sleeping, because it is a sin to delay a Apr 24, 2022 · The witr prayer can be performed before or after one’s tahajjud. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) indicated that 1 day ago · The Witr prayer is the last prayer of the night. Many scholars agree that Witr prayer is a Sunnah, while some consider it obligatory, emphasizing its Feb 4, 2024 · The best time for Witr is after the sunna prayers of ‘Isha, but If one intends to pray Tahajjud, it is best to defer Witr to be the final prayer of the night (before Fajr). An-Nawawi said However, he is also known to have allowed people to say their witr at the end of Isha. However, the reward for Tahajjud increases if it is delayed until after half of the night has elapsed. At times the prophet would offer some Tahajjud, go to sleep, then awaken and after performing ablution again, he would resume Tahajjud prayer. Qiyam al layl is the prayer before having slept. [1] Is it forbidding to do tashhhdud in 2nd rakaah while praying 3 rakaah witer ? Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) practiced this by often performing his Witr after extended periods of night worship. Sometimes though sleep overtakes Witr is a separate, odd-numbered prayer that is usually performed after the ISha prayer. ' In the last one Rak’at, Qunoot is recited before Rukuu and the Salat is completed as usual with Tashahud Friends, we need to know the benefits of Tahajjud Prayer, and we should try to benefit from them. The time of Tahajjud extends from the time of Isha until SUBHE SADIQ [true dawn]. Several hadiths indicate that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prayed Tahajjud after Witr. Tahajjud - 2 rakaat followed by 1 rakaat Witr? Should both be read every night or are they the same and only one should be read?A: There is only one Salaatul Witr (three rakaats) which has to be performed after the Esha Salaah. While Witr is generally considered a confirmed Sunnah—an optional prayer highly rewarded by Allah—some scholars view it as obligatory. Dua Qunoot is the du'a read in the final rak'ah of witr. Firstly, the time of witr is the same as that of `isha i. If there is any prayer that would have been made compulsory it is witr and it’s prayed before fajr and after tahajjud. ” (Al-Baihaqi) Abu Dawud reported on the authority of Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri that the 2: After isha prayers you must go to sleep for few hours. The Witr prayer is part of the night prayer, but there is still a difference between them. I have been waking up to pray Tahajjud and read the Quran at night. The Tahajjud could be 4, 6, 8, or 12 rak`ahs – Answer: Walaikum assalam, 1. Otherwise it's best to perform witr after Isha (I usually perform witr after Isha). I know that that the witr prayer is supposed to be the last prayer before fajr, but what should I do if I was planning to wake up for tahajjud and did not pray witr after ishaa, yet ended up waking up after fajr came in, hence missing tahajjud and the witr. hence why if you plan on praying Tahajjud you will wait to pray your Witr prayer after finishing your Tahajjud salah. Although it can be prayed at any time after Isha, doing so is less rewarding than sleeping and then waking up to offer it. 3: Wake up and perform Wudu. I like to pray the first 2 rakas with short suras and then each of the next 6 with long suras before praying witr. Otherwise, one should pray witr before sleeping, because it is a sin to delay a necessary prayer past its prescribed time. Regarding the importance of Witr Salah, in a Sahih hadith, The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The witr is a duty for every Muslim. What is Qiyam al-layl? Qiyam al-layl means I usually make niyyat of getting up for tahajjud & pray witr after tahajjud, sometimes I sleep, get up late only to Fajr prayer and miss witr prayer. Should you intend to observe the night prayers, such as Solat Tahajjud 3, it is preferred to perform your Witr prayer after your night prayers. The next 2 (two) Rak’ats are prayed with the Niyyah of 'Salatul Shaf’a'. Shaykh al-Islam [Ibn Taymiyah] said in Majmu' al-Fatawa (23/100): With regard to qunut: there are two extreme views and one middle (or moderate) view. There is not one opinion. What is your opinion regarding reading Tahajjud Salaah with Jamaat? According to the Hanafis I have read the it is Makrooh; Du’a not accepted Can we pray witr in Tahajjud? The Witr prayer is the last prayer of the night. 4) If one does not recite Witr, it is recited until dawn, even after Tahajjud. This is what I do; wake up 40 minutes before fajar pray 2 rakkat tahajjud do astaghfaat 100x make dua pray witr Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Muftionline. It is performed after Tahajjud and can consist of one, three, five, seven, or nine units of prayer. If you fear that you will not be able to wake up for tahajjud, then pray at least two rakʿahs before sleeping. In summary, it is permissible for you to continue offering tahajjud or taraweeh after witr, and recommended and mustahabb to pray witr last when you can. One may offer his Tahajjud Salat after Esha. This sequence ensures a seamless flow of prayers. And if he does not read Tahajjud, his qaza will not be read at all. He Tahajjud can be performed any time after ʿIshā’, although the best time is the last part of the night. The time for performing the night vigil (tahajjud) prayer ends when Isha time ends and Fajr time enters. The remaining 1(one) Rak’at is prayed (as below) with the Niyyah of 'Salatul Witr. For In almost all of the mosques here, Witr is prayed in congregation after the 20 rakah Taraweeh prayer. But since it’s an optional prayer, scholars say you can pray even two rakat in Tahjjud. Mostly if I do not go for prayers, my younger brother does not go either. We read in the authentic traditions that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to pray Tahajjud and Witr, then he would take a brief nap in which he would dose off a little before Fajr. Both of the prayers are a way to seek Allah's mercy and forgiveness. Witr prayer can be offered anytime after Isha salah up until break of dawn. Recommended time for Tahajjud. Hadith References on Tahajjud Time and Virtues: The Last Third of the Night is the Best Time: The Prophet Muhammad (SAW Read answers with similar topics: tahajjud. In the 33rd chapter, "Immediately after salam of the witr prayer" there are 1 supplications that you can learn and recite. It is a minimum prayer of two Rakat as mentioned by the Prophet (ﷺ): “When any one of you gets up at night, he should begin the prayer with two brief Rakat” (Sahih Muslim). You can sleep after isha an hour and wakeup it will be tahajjud but if you pray before you sleep it will be called qiyam. [1] im new to the tahajjud game. 5: You must offer witr after tahajjud prayer. 2) The reading of Tahajjud was instructed by Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur'an (Surah Muzzammil, verses 2-3). Elaborating on this, Sheikh `Abdul-Majeed Subh, a prominent Azharite scholar, states: “There is nothing wrong in performing Tahajjud and Witr Prayer before sleeping or without sleeping and they are valid even if the Shafi`i scholars are of the opinion that one should sleep before offering Tahajjud. Could you please shed some light on this? Answer: Assalamu alaykum There was a difference of opinion about this issue in the earlier days, Ibn Hazm said in Al-Muhalla, 2/92-93:‘Witr at the end of the night is better, but whoever prays witr at the beginning of the night, that is fine. Let’s delve into the spiritual journey of late-night Jan 1, 2025 · With the above in mind, we would like to stress that the Muslim scholars state that witr should be the last prayer that one performs before going to sleep. org. 00 PM and prayed Isha can I continue with Tahajjud and finish it up Performing Tahajjud Salaah. Virtue of Fasting in Rajab and Sha`ban. Imam Shurunbulali writes, “And if he prayed witr before sleeping, then prayed tahajjud, he would not have to repeat his witr. Performing Witr in congregation is a specialty of the month of Ramadan, and this is what is more virtuous. A Reader on Night Worship and the Night Vigil (tahajjud) Is it superior to pray Isha at its time or praying close to Fajr time with Tahajjud? Tahajjud Prayer: Description & Merits. Therefore, any voluntary prayers performed after Fajr time has entered does not count for the night vigil prayers. ” [Sahih al-Bukhari 998] For those who pray Tahajjud (the night prayers), Witr can be delayed until after Tahajjud, as it is traditionally considered the last prayer of the night. net/ask-a-ques THE CORRECT TIME FOR TAHAJJUD. Whereas, if its performance can be carried out in the congregation, and The final prayer of the day, it’s usually 3 rakat. In the mosque where we pray the Imam prays Witr as well. Then he said: Ahmad said: Whoever omits to pray Witr deliberately is a bad man, whose testimony should not be accepted. So I was wondering, what is the ruling about it? Should I just sit and ignore the Witr congregation because I want to pray the Tahajjud later in night? There is no specific way to pray tahajjud or offer (voluntary) prayers at night, in terms of what the worshipper should recite after al-Faatihah in each rak‘ah. al-ʿĀaṣ (radiy During these days, I dont pray witr while praying isha (part of Isha prayer). 3 `Umrah in Rajab: Settling A. So I was wondering, what is the ruling about it? Should I just sit and ignore the Witr congregation because I want to pray the Tahajjud later in night? Aslammualaikum everyone! I am just wondering as someone who follows the hanafi madhab, is it permissible to pray tahajjud after witr? Status of Witr Salaah; The time for Tahajjud Salaah; Finishing Tahajjud Salaah in Fajr time; Ladies reading Taraweeh in Musjid; Should one repeat Witr Salaah after Tahajjud, if he already performed it? The Prophet’s (pbuh) dua after Tahajjud. And just like any other prayer you make wudhu and pray. May I offer Tahajjud in the congregation? It is read largely in the congregation. Read answers with Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani I wake up 10 minutes before fajr azan to read witr and tahajjud. assimalhakeem. ” [Muslim] `Abdullah ibn Mas’ud said,” The Witr is Praise be to Allah. com. Understand the options available for Witr, including the flexibility to pray one, three, five, seven, nine, or eleven Rakahs. Combining Witr with the Isha prayer simplifies the process. So if you want to pray Tahajjud at night, it is permissible for you to pray Witr with the congregation, then to pray after that as many rak’ahs as you want two by two, and do not repeat Witr. S. While describing the Prophet’s way of performing prayer, Anas said: “If we wanted to see him praying during the night, we could see him In trying to start praying Tahajjud and Witr and just want to check with those more informed than me. You do not have to pray witr in order to pray tahajjud, and ideally witr should be prayed after tahajjud. Witr should be the last of your prayers at night. Tahajjud Salaah cannot be performed after Subah Saadiq or at Fajr Salaah time. If, you done that way, you need not pray witr again, since it's prayed only once to make it Apr 24, 2022 · The witr prayer can be performed before or after one’s tahajjud. Starting with tahajjud first, 3. Tahajjud is simply doing voluntary prayer. If someone is likely to get up for tahajjud, he/she should say witr at the end of Jun 28, 2009 · Explore the permissibility of praying Tahajjud after Witr and the status of Isha prayer in our comprehensive Fatwa. Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Seekersguidance. Tahajjud salaah – The minimum is two rakaahs and the maximum 12 rakaahs. Both are separate prayers, it is a common practice to end tahajjud prayer with Witr. Also, if I am not sure I will wake up for tahajjud should I pray the witr right after `isha and if I do will my tahajjud still count if I pray it after having already prayed witr? Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 4 votes. Explore the guidelines for performing Witr prayer after Isha in this detailed overview. The method of Salat ul Tahajjud Step 1: The first step in offering Tahajjud prayer like all other prayers is to make an intention or Niyyah. By: HaqqSeeker. If I missed the Isha Jamat and slept early got in the night by around 1-2. This is why Abu Hurayra relates, “My beloved one May 3, 2020 · Therefore, if one invariably gets up for tahajjud (the night vigil), then it is best to pray witr then. 1. What is a better option for me? Mar 6, 2023 · Q: Are there two Witr namaaz's per day? ie. If you plan on praying Tahajjud, then you will wait to pray your Witr prayer after finishing your Tahajjud prayer. How can I pray missed witr, is it permissible to pray missed witr in day time. From the time of the Sahabahs until today, the Witr Salah has always been performed in congregation during the month of Ramadan. Read Dua After Solat Witr. But reciting it after bowing is better. What Is Tahajjud Prayer? Tahajjud prayer is a Should one repeat Witr Salaah after Tahajjud, if he already performed it? Minimum Rakaats for Tahajjud; Do we have to sleep first to pray tahajjud salaat? Performing Tahajjud Salaah. Prophet s. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received I start by praying 2 rakat then 1 witr then read the tahajjud dua and start with the normal way of making salat; allah; dua; tahajjud; Anon. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “If the morning approaches, Offering tahajjud two (rak’ahs) by two, 2. ʿAbdullah b. In the Hanafi madhab, witr is wajib. Should one repeat Witr Salaah after Tahajjud, if he already performed it? “A person should pray as much nafl as he wishes after the witr prayer, and this does not invalidate his Witr prayer. Tahajjud Timing. Witr Prayer is a very beneficial prayer that every Muslim should come to read. Dear Brother, In principle, it is compulsory to What is the meaning of this part of the Hadith (Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 1720) regarding witr: Yutiru min zalika bikhamsin. Ibn ‘Abbās The majority of scholars maintain that it is permissible to make up for a missed witr prayer. The overlap between the two is that after finish your tahajjud sets, you pray witr after them and make it your last salah before turning to sleep. e. 2 answers. Tahajjud may be performed in the early part of the night, the middle part of the night, or the latter part of the night, but after the obligatory Evening (`Isha’) Prayer. . ️ Then Pray 2 rakats of Salah each (without iqamah) and it can be prayed till 8 rakat, how much of that you want to pray for example, 2 rakat or 4 rakat or 6 rakat or 8 rakat is upto you but more is always better. All of us should read Tahajjud Namaz, which will also benefit the world in the hereafter. This is the view of Malik and al-Shafi'i. ” [Shurunbulali, Maraqi al-Falah] 1 day ago · After you make wudu offer 2 ra’kahs of sunnah prayer. was narrated to have prayed the following three times: Q: Can we offer Tahajjud Salaah after we have offered our Witr Wajib or we should not offer our Witr Wajib before Tahajjud?A: Both are permissible. Then they pray tahajjud a few hours before before sahoor, sometimes with eight rak‘ahs, along with three rak‘ahs of Witr. There is nothing wrong with the person who prays Witr in the first part of the night or the middle of the night offering any Nafl prayers he wants after Witr, even though it is recommended for the last of his prayer at night to be Witr. It is permissible to pray after witr but one should not repeat witr. Whether you do dhikr or not, and whether you recite Quran before or after is upto you. In this case, he should not repeat Witr, rather the Witr that he prayed at the beginning of the night is sufficient. Tahajjud Salaah may be performed after the Esha Salaah until Subah Saadiq (the starting of Fajr Salaah time). The best time to read Tahajjud is after Esha but before Witr. Unblemished is He Whose dress is Nobility and Honour. For Tahajjud, the Holy Prophet (sa) would offer eight sets of two rak’aat and then the Witr prayer – totalling eleven rak’aat. One of the implications of that is if witr is missed He used to make the Witr Prayer as the last prayer of the night. There mentioned it's better to pray in 6/7th of the night time. ️ First start off with reciting the Dua for Tahajjud before starting the salah. " As a new Muslim, I've always found the concept of Niyyat quite confusing, but after reading this explanation, everything has become much clearer. praying nafl after the witr prayer). Now that you know this clearly. I now Answer (Fatwa: 1087/910/B=1433) There is only one witr. Did I need to pray 3 Rakahs witr after waking up for tahajjud? Is it superior to pray Isha at its time or praying close to Fajr time with Tahajjud? What is the difference between Tahajjud prayer and night prayer, and do they have a particular Witr prayer other Explore the significance of praying Tahajjud after Witr in Islamic tradition. It is preferable before witr. ️ After Tahajjud Salah is done, it is the sunnah to end with three rakat How to calculate the last third of the night for performing tahajjud On watching Quran videos during tahajjud The difference between sunna and nafl It is permissible to assign particular nights for performing qiyam communally outside Ramadan Mysticism without Sufism: A Guide to Tahajjud, Islam’s Meditation Practice Is it permissible to pray tahajjud after I am truly grateful for this article on "How to Make Niyyat for Tahajjud. The term “Witr” means an odd number, and this prayer is so Jul 7, 2015 · no matter if you've prayed Witr or not (after Isha), you can still pray Tahajjud prior to Fajr. It becomes, therefore one final act of worship for the night, How to Perform Tahajjud. Why witr is not obligatory. It is permitted for a Muslim to recite from the Qur’an any number of surahs or ayahs in the Tahajjud. This has been the firm practice of the Sahabahs, the Tabi’een, the at ba’ut Tabieen and all the generations of rightly guided scholars Praise be to Allah. It is ideally performed during the last third of the night, a time when supplications are most likely to be accepted. Al-Munajjid, a prominent Saudi Muslim lecturer and author, states: “If the Muslim prays Witr then he wants to pray Qiyam al-Layl after that, he should pray it two by two, and he does not have to repeat Witr. This resource addresses whether you can pray two Rakahs Sunnah after Isha Read 100 ayat in your Salah and that will give you the reward of praying all night. Then he performed Witr with three. Importantly, Witr does not affect the validity of the Isha prayer. Ruling on witr prayer. It is commonly prayed in 3, 5, 7 or more rak'ahs. Allah Ta’ala Knows Best. Walaikum assalam, In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, In Imam Fakhr al-Dïn al-Zayla`ï(Allah have mercy on him) wrote in his Tabyïn Praying Witr After Tahajjud & Make-Up’s; What is the difference between Tahajjud prayer and night prayer, and do they have a particular Witr prayer other than that of Isha`a ? How to make up missed witr prayer due to oversleeping after intending to wake up for tahajjud? Did I need to pray 3 Rakahs witr after waking up for tahajjud? Witr with Jamaat; Should one repeat Witr Salaah Another common misconception is the Witr prayer is thought to be part of Isha Salah, this is not entirely correct. The reason for that – and Allah knows best – is to show to the people that it is permissible to pray after Witr. How to Pray Tahajjud and Witr? If you wish to pray Tahajjud, it’s ideal to delay Witr until after Tahajjud Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani I wake up 10 minutes before fajr azan to read witr and tahajjud. The Prophet (peace be upon him) recommended Witr in his hadiths (Tirmidhi, 1/453). I often do 2 rakkah tahajjud followed by witr. Night prayers can be done from after isha till fajr. 10) Be Consistent. After completing your Witr prayer, take some time to seek Allah’s forgiveness and express your feelings and dua. Read answers with similar topics: Prayer Salaah SALAH tahajjud Witr. Did I need to pray 3 Rakahs witr after waking up for tahajjud? Is it superior to pray Isha at its time or praying close to Fajr time with Tahajjud? What is the difference between Tahajjud prayer and night prayer, and do they have a particular Witr prayer other Dua for end of Qunoot of Salatul Witr 22 Dua after ruku of of Salatul Witr 24 Dua after Salatul Witr (DUA HAZEEN) 25 . )-may Allah have mercy upon him-said: “As for Ta’qeeb and it is to pray voluntary prayers after Taraweeh in congregation or to pray Taraweeh in another congregation, it is reported from Ahmad that Sheikh M. There are no particular or fixed Surahs to be recited in Tahajjud. A wife can perform Tahajjud Salaah with her husband. Source: Muslimvillage. 4. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Fatwa: 318/275/B=3/1438) It is good for you Table of contents How to Pray Witr The Importance of Witr Salah Timing for Witr Prayer The Number of Rakats in Witr Prayer Step-by-step Guide to Witr Prayer Preparation for the Prayer The First Rakat The Second Rakat The Third Rakat Recommendations of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH Dua-e-Qunoot in Arabic The Hanafi Version: Understanding the [] A. It categorizes authentic supplications that the Prophet ﷺ made in various situations. Tahajjud Salat may be performed at anytime during this period regardless if one sleeps or did not sleep. Answered by:Mufti Zakaria MakadaChecked & Approved:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Source The prophet muhammad also used to read the prayer of Witr, as proven by authentic Hadith. Learn about the Sunnah of Isha prayer and how it differs from the alShafi Rakahs. It is also acceptable for one to read their How to Pray Tahajjud and Witr Together. The last Aug 30, 2023 · In this detailed guide, we’ll explore how to perform Tahajjud and Witr prayers step by step, along with their significance, benefits, and answers to frequently asked questions. was narrated to have prayed the following three times: Nov 28, 2024 · Witr may be performed after Tahajjud. Witr prayer is an integral part of the night prayers and After you make wudu offer 2 ra’kahs of sunnah prayer. Unblemished is He; and none . You can pray as many ra’kahs as you want in intervals of 2. im new to the tahajjud game. Conclude with Witr (one or three rakats). But this is some sort of ijtihad (personal reasoning) that does not prevent the validity Tahajjud comes from the word hajada that means to wake up after having slept. May the tahajjud and all obligatory prayers be your constant companion, guiding you towards a life illuminated by faith and devotion, Allah Knows the Best. "Abu Hurairah narrated: "Allah's Messenger ordered me to The witr prayer is not a part of the `isha or tahajjud prayer. It is my regular habit to wake up about an hour before Fajr and pray Tahajjud then pray witr then go pray Fajr at the masjid. right after the Isha’ prayer) gets the reward of tahajjud. However, he will miss following the Imam and it is better to follow the Imam by praying witr with him due to the statement of the Prophet (ﷺ): Therefore, every Tahajjud is a Qiyam, but not every Qiyam is a Tahajjud. It is confirmed from several Hadiths that the Holy Prophet SAW offered prayer in the first part of the night, in the middle, and in the last third of the night. ”. Another good thing to know, if you go to sleep planning to pray tahajjud but you don’t get up, you can make it up between duha and asr and it will be counted as qiyam. 453; asked Jun 29, 2014 at 16:23. If you don’t want to pray tahajjud, then you pray with after isha. fxiil yodgq haasoalg lwkkfba ybqi kdjbs tbgrdpf bmbynm qwjd dfgchnkc