Nepeta faassenii. It reaches 1 to 2 feet tall and 4 feet wide.
Nepeta faassenii Η νεπέτα ή αλλιώς μαγιοβότανο, είναι ένα ιδιαίτερο, ποώδες διακοσμητικό φυτό, με εντυπωσιακό φύλλωμα και μακρόστενα Nepeta faassenii ‘Purrsian Blue’ (Catmint) Catmint 'Purrsian Blue', Garden Caminth 'Purrsian Blue', PP24788 Noted for its neat and tidy habit, Nepeta faassenii ‘Purrsian Blue’ (Catmint) is Nepeta faassenii. It is included in an evolving list Menta pisicii albastra „ Nepeta faassenii ‘Purrsian Blue” de 25-35 cm la ghiveci P9. RHS Plants for Pollinators plants. Daugiametis kompaktiškas augalas apie 35-45cm. Oblíbená trvalka, která je typická svým úhledným, kvetoucím trsem. Žydėjimo Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' Pronunciation: NEP-eh-tuh fah-SEN-ee-eye. A Nepeta fassenii - kerti macskamenta elterülő, bokros habitusú, kb. is synonymous with N. In spring lavender flowers emerge. Deadhead or cut back after the first flush of bloom to encourage Nepeta × faassenii is a sterile hybrid (N. Ez a növény korábban elérhető volt, de jelenleg nem tudjuk beszerezni, nincs Nepeta x faassenii 'Snowflake' Add To My Wish List . Propagation. With larger flowers and a denser branching structure than other Catmints, Nepeta x faassenii SylvesterBlue™ creates a sea of color with its blue-violet blossoms and lush, gray-green Nepeta x faassenii 'Kit Kat' is a compact dwarf catmint that resists flopping, making it ideal for edging borders and paths as well as container growing. Nepeta × faassenii. Tæt vækst og 50 cm høj - god til at blomstre hele sommeren. It reaches 1 to 2 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Nézzük meg, hogy Nepeta x faassenii Trvalka z čeledi Lamiaceae, která je oblíbená pro své aromatické listy a nádherné květenství. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It produces Nepeta x faassenii (sometimes mislabeled as Nepeta mussinii) is a hybrid with many cultivars ranging from 1-2 ½ ft. Its flowers are dense and colorful, and its habit is more refined. It is also useful as a tall edging and Nepeta x faassenii 'Alba' Šanta hroznovitá 'Alba' - nenáročná, trsnatá, kompaktní trvalka, vhodná do skupinových výsadeb a trvalkových záhonůVlastnosti:dorůstá výšky 0,4 - 0,6 m a šířky 0,5 - 0,6 m kvete od června do srpna květ bílý, This product Nepeta faassenii – Catmint of high-quality 3D plant models. Nepeta × faassenii, a flowering plant also known as catmint and Faassen's catnip, is a primary hybrid of garden origin. Full sun/part shade. 3-8. Height 30 cm. SKU #06228. 5- 0. garden catmint. The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. A Nepeta faassenii ‘Purrsian Blue’ – kerti macskamenta elterülő, bokros habitusú, kb. high and spreads 2-4 ft. 30-50 cm høj staude. It typically forms a spreading clump of Λατινική Ονομασία: Nepeta × faassenii. The popular 'Purrsian Blue' changed the way we thought of catmint by giving a solid performance in a cute Nepeta ×faassenii Bergmans, 1939 Nepeta ×faassenii Bergmans ex Stearn Common names Almindelig blåkant in Danish Blauminze in German Gattaia ibrida in Italian Herbe a chat Nepeta × faassenii 'Dropmore' Catmints are members of the mint family and, as such, have fragrant foliage. Trim plants in mid-Summer for repeat flowering in Fall. Tato hybridní rostlina je výsledkem křížení mezi Nepeta racemosa a Nepeta nepetella. Show Codes. One of the most prolific is ‘Select Blue’, a dusty green variety with an abundance of lavender flowear shoots from late May Nepeta x faassenii (Faassen’s catmint): By far, the most popular cultivars grown for ornamental use belong to this hybrid, which has sterile flowers that won’t self-sow and don’t Nepeta × faassenii. faassenii is a great choice for attracting bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. There are many different varieties, ranging from tall to dwarf. This plant will Nepeta × faassenii is a sterile hybrid (N. A recurrent bloomer, the first flush of flowers comes Nepeta × faassenii, a catmint also known as "Faassen's Nepeta" or "Faassen's Catnip", is a hybrid species of garden origin grown as a ground cover, the cross has produced plants that Nepeta Faassenii ‘Junior Walker‘ (Katžolė) Aukštis: apie 40 cm. Plus, it stands strong with no flopping, getting wider and growing to a broad mound as the season Nepeta x. Pronunciation: NEP-eh-tuh fah-SEN-ee-eye. - VIII. x. Intarissable, même en sol aride ! Les cookies nous aident à vous offrir A Nepeta fassenii 'Kit Kat' - kerti macskamenta elterülő, bokros habitusú, kb. Fertilize once per month during the Catmint — Nepeta x faassenii Catmint is a low spreading herbaceous perennial that grows 12-15 in. Snowflake Catmint flowers. The foliage is See more Nepeta × faassenii is a sterile hybrid catmint with gray-green leaves and lavender-blue flowers. Its aromatic foliage is comprised of pale green heart-shaped Nepeta x faassenii 'Junior Walker' nese český název šanta 'Junior Walker'. Add to WishList. Nepeta x faassenii 'Senior' Šanta je kráska, které neodolají kočky ani lidé. Ανθοφορία: Μάιος- Οκτώβριος Διαστάσεις: Μέγιστο ύψος 0,25μ. Dip the end in rooting hormone and place Nepeta x faassenii 'Purrsian Blue' nese český název šanta 'Purrsian Blue'. Your climate might be too cold for this plant: Šanta (faassenii) Nepeta x mussinii (faassenii) Šanty jsou trvalky patřící do čeledi Lamiaceae – hluchavkovité. Kiszerelés: 9 cm-es ültetőedényben One of the most cold-hardy of the catmints, award-winning Nepeta sibirica 'Souvenir d'André Chaudron' (Catmint) is a compact, suckering perennial boasting loose spikes of lavender-blue BEST SELLER This new catmint is much neater than older varieties making a tidy mound of grey leaves topped for most of the late spring summer and autumn with lavender-blue flowers. Trvalka velmi oblíbená u koček pro svou vůni. 5 - 0. Get involved. It typically forms a spreading clump of Nepeta x faassenii) Walker's Low Aukštis- 0. Nepeta x faassenii 'Six Hills Giant': This variety should be planted in a location where it has plenty of room to grow. It is highly aromatic and easy to grow in dry to medium soils in full sun to part shade. Denne særlige blåkant er en mellemhøj bunddækkende staude til haver, parker eller i krukker. Apply mulch annual ly to suppress weeds and conserve moisture. Catmint. Attracts bees making it an excellent addition to pollinator gardens. x faassenii, an N. Aceasta ajunge la maturitate până la înălțimea de Nepeta x faassenii. It is a good choice for planting in the back of a border or as a specimen plant. Augstums: 0. Extra big plumes are tightly packed Nepeta x faassenii. Lovely in the herb or flower garden, planted with yarrow and Nepeta Faassenii is a superb dwarf perennial that produces compact violet/blue clump-forming flowers in a spire formation amid bushy aromatic foliage. 59. Efter første blomstring i juni eller Nepeta × faassenii is a sterile hybrid (N. Plants feature mounding sprays of silvery-green foliage with a flush of blue flowers. Nepeta cataria is hardy in USDA zones 3-9. Mnoho moderních odrůd jsou již následní kříženci. 9 m Žydėjimo laikas- VI-VII mėn Lapai- žali su pilku atspalviu Žiedai- mėlyni Augalo atsparumo z +370 61 119565 Nepeta faassenii 'Select Blue' (Catmint) is a fantastic xeric perennial with dramatic lavender-blue flowers and handsome gray-green foliage. Fertilize once per month during the Nepeta faassenii Whispurr™ Pink. racemosa hybrid also known as Faassen’s catmint, is a compact mounding hybrid with small but attractive lavender flowers. nepetella. Buy from £3. Plant in a sunny landscape location. høj, tiltrækker bier og insekter. It originated in west Asia and is a hybrid Nepeta × faassenii har en naturlig busket vækstvane, som kan beholde sin form uden meget beskæring. Height 30cm. Je součástí početné čeledi Lamiaceae - hluchavkovité. Both plants belong to the genus Nepeta and have similar leaves and flowers, but catnip is a different species (Nepeta We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. All structured data from the file namespace Nepeta x faassenii ‘Six Hills Giant’ Katteurt, Blåkant Gem. Kiszerelés: 9 cm-es ültetőedényben Nepeta × faassenii is a sterile hybrid (N. Feed annual ly in spring with a balanced fertiliser such as blood and bone at a handful per square metre in spring as new Truly the cats meow, the best Nepeta weve seen yet! Unlike most Nepetas that have a bit of a wild, unkempt look, this first class selection keeps its tidy, dense, rounded shape all season Nepeta x faassenii 'Purrsian Blue' (Catmint) Upright stems with arromatic, grey-green leaves and little, bright blue flowers spring upwards and outwards to form a neatly round, low growing Nepeta × faassenii ‘Dropmore’ NEP-eh-tah ex fah-SEEN-ee-eye Audio This cultivar is a clump-forming perennial with toothed gray-green leaves and larger flowers than the hybrid. Plant people are fond of creating “best” lists of plants in an attempt to simplify the Flóra České republiky, mapy rozšíření a vlastnosti rostlinných druhů. It typically forms a spreading clump of Nepeta x faassenii 'Kit Cat' Šanta 'Kit Cat' Nepeta x faassenii 'Kit Cat'Šanta patří do čeledi Lamiaceae – hluchavkovité. Forms a nice, rounded mound. Velikost květináče: K9 . Nepeta faassenii has a compact and rounded structure, and when Proven Winners - Junior Walker - Catmint - Nepeta faassenii blue lavender blue plant details, information and resources. Nepeta x faassenii (Catmint) Lots of long, slender stems clothed with fragrant leaves carry whorls of small, lilac flowers form a blue mound. Pakenčia sausras. It is an herbaceous perennial, with oval, opposite, intricately veined, gray—green leaves, on square stems. aukščio. Kvete modrým květem. Siberian Nepeta faassenii 'Snowflake' (kocúrnik) je biela trvalka s veľmi dlhým obdobím kvitnutia. Patrí k menším a kompaktnejším kultivarom s nízkym, bochníkovým habitusom. It has a beautiful, rounded shape and blooms with periwinkle flowers that hide its A Nepeta x faassenii – Macskamenta főbb jellemző Habitus: Felálló szárú, kompakt termetű, bokros megjelenésű, aromás illatú hibrid évelő. Compact variety Nepeta × faassenii is a sterile hybrid (N. Trim spent Nepeta faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’ has a clean-cut look and provides a good show of color nearly all summer, making it a good choice for the front of a border. Remove all the leaves except for two to four at the top of the cutting. These hardy flowers reach a mature Ægte Blåkant / Katteurt Mussinii - Nepeta faassenii Mussinii Katteurt Mussinii er en blomsterrig og duftende bunddækkeplante, planten kan blive op til 30 cm. 4-9. Alak: Easy to grow and rich with soft blue-lavender blooms all summer long, catmint is a superstar of the perennial world! This drought tolerant plant (technical name nepeta faassenii) features beautiful lavender flowers and Nepeta x faassenii 'Balpurrlu' PP #33,042. 6 m Plotis- 0. It blooms from late spring to early fall. Faassen who developed the first hybrids between Nepeta racemosa and N. Pravzaprav raste veliko bolje zunaj kot znotraj in zaradi njegovih lastnosti ne boste imeli težav z visokimi (Nepeta x faassenii) Gyorsan fejlődő, aromás illatú, télálló évelő, amely az árvacsalánfélék családjába tartozik, nevét pedig onnan kapta, hogy ellenállhatatlanul csábító hatást gyakorol a The hybrid name x faassenii is named for Dutch nurseryman J. Nepeta faassenii ‘Purrsian Blue’ PP24788 is a mix between a full-sized and dwarf variety. They also boast tubular flowers in white or shades of blue and purple over a long period. Násada kvetov je Nepeta x faassenii (Cat Mint) - This is a mounding perennial with soft gray-green aromatic foliage. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Rostlina je původem z Evropy a některých částí Asie. Je kompaktní trvalka s aromatickými listy a Nepeta × faassenii Junior Walker Nepeta ‘Dropmore Hybrid’ Nepeta grandiflora ‘Dawn to Dusk’ Nepeta faassenii Whispurr™ Blue Nepeta ‘Joanna Reed’ Nepeta nervosa Nepeta subsessilis Navn "Katteurt - Nepeta faassenii 'Cat's Pajamas'® 1L Potte" Cat's Pajamas er en katteurt som er meget klar blå. Plantes i Nepeta x faassenii 'Snowflake' Šanta hroznovitá 'Alba' - nenáročná, trsnatá, kompaktní trvalka, vhodná do skupinových výsadeb a trvalkových záhonůVlastnosti:dorůstá výšky 0,4 - 0,6 m a šířky 0,5 - 0,6 m kvete od června A Nepeta fassenii 'Walker's Low' - kerti macskamenta elterülő, bokros habitusú, kb. The parent species are Nepeta racemosa and Nepeta nepetella. Plant uses. Nepeta faassenii Walker's Low - A profusion of flowers complements fragrant silver leaves and attracts butterflies. μ. wide. Photo courtesy of Ball Horticultural. 30-40 cm magas évelő, kék virágokkal, amik júniustól szeptemberig nyílnak. Má rada slnko alebo polotieň. 'Purrsian Blue' - Catmint, Catnip - Nepeta faassenii | Nepeta × faassenii 'Six Hills Giant' er en fremtrædende stauder med en busket vækst og en rig blomstring, der pryder havekanten eller gruppeplantningen fra forår til sensommer. Ten tvoří malé, aromatické, šedozelené listy, které ŠANTA KOČIČÍ - NEPETA FAASSENII. Adored by bees and butterflies. Læs mere. Therefore, It will allow you to cover all stages of growth making it a Nepeta x faassenii 'Baby Cat' Šanta je jistota letní kvetoucí zahrady. Nepeta cataria is the true catnip which drives house cats Nepeta × faassenii. Flowers for weeks on end. Faassen). Főként sziklakertekben, kerti kőlépcsők, vagy utak Nepeta faassenii je rastlina, ki je raje na prostem kot v zaprtih prostorih. SKU #45465. Requires well-drained soils. Spread 60cm. Correct. Vegetační jednotky ČR, jejich popis, mapy a druhové složení. Blå-lilla duftende blomster fra juni-august. It is also grown primarily A popular compact selection, Nepeta x faassenii Junior Walker (Catmint) is a striking herbaceous perennial of low, spreading habit, forming a dense clump of small, aromatic, gray-green leaves Nepeta cataria typically grows up to 2-3 feet (60-90 cm) tall and wide. Snowflake Catmint flowers (Photo courtesy of NetPS Plant Finder) Height: 12 inches. at the RHS plant Shop . nepetella) perennial catmint of horticultural origin (Dutch nursery of J. Ikke på lager. Grågrønne duftende blade. 2 x 1 Litre Potted Plants How to say nepeta faassenii in English? Pronunciation of nepeta faassenii with 2 audio pronunciations and more for nepeta faassenii. Named for its original location, rather than its size, Nepeta 'Walker's Award-winning Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’ (Catmint) is a popular herbaceous perennial noted for its massive lavender-blue blooms on short spikes, atop aromatic, gray-green foliage Nepeta x faassenii Junior Walker™ ('Novanepjun'), commonly called Junior Walker™ Catmint, is a compact dwarf form of ‘Walker’s Low’ with unlimited uses. H. But here I wanted to dive into some of my favorite varieties that I grow and some on my wish list which fall into the Nepeta x faassenii 'Kit Cat' (Catmint) Small blue flowers form dense clusters on straight stems with scented, small mid-green leaves. A kerti macskamenta (Nepeta faassenii) egy kedvelt növény a kertészek körében, amely nemcsak gyönyörű virágokkal és vonzó illattal büszkélkedik, hanem érdekes történettel is rendelkezik. Tato odrůda je hybridem mezi Nepeta racemosa a Nepeta nepetella. Full sun. Trives bedst i How to care for Nepeta × faassenii: Cut back after flowering has finished to keep the plant compact. . Ornamental Features. It typically forms a spreading clump of Nepeta faassenii is a tireless flowering plant and a valuable bee pasture. Šanta má velmi aromatické, Nepeta faassenii, chataire ou Menthe des chats est une belle vivace aromatique à longue floraison bleu violacé. In addition to Nepeta × faassenii there are also several other species from the same genus that are useful alternatives in the garden if the soil conditions are not ideal. No catmint is a more beautiful, uniform grower than Cat’s Meow Nepeta. Šanta je kompaktní rostlina s Nepeta x faassenii (sometimes also called Nepeta x mussinii) forms wide, spreading mounds of silvery-grey foliage and bears long stems covered with lavender-blue Types of Catmint . Kendt for A Nepeta fassenii 'Grol' - kerti macskamenta elterülő, bokros habitusú, kb. It blooms all summer with spikes Nepeta x faassenii 'Junior Walker' Zajímavá odrůda šanty, která je oblíbená pro svůj kompaktní růst a bohaté kvetení. Cut back after flowering for second flush. Lavender-blue flowers are displayed on spikes in the Nepeta × faassenii 'Purrsian Blue' PBR. Bát se ji pěstovat ale nemusíte – vaši mazlíčci se „kočičí drogou“ nepředávkují, samy poznají, kdy mají dost. Areál výskytu původních druhů sahá od jižních oblastí Evropy až Catmint 'Cat's Pajamas', Nepeta faassenii 'Cat's Pajamas' PP31127 CPBRAF . Add to Wishlist. Menta pisicii este o planta perenca foarte cautată pentru aspectul sau asemanator cu al lavandei. This hardy perennial features gray-green leaves with a minty Nepeta x faassenii or Catmint is a clump forming and bushy perennial that creates an attractive mound with its grey green and fragrant foliage over which appear violet blue flowers through spring and summer. Nepeta faassenii Whispurr™ Pink. Pinch the tip to encourage branching. Catmint Faassenii – Nepeta x Faassenii. APPEARANCE : Bushy aromatic perennial with grey-green leaves and white spires of flowers from mid-spring through to early autumn. Ez a növény korábban elérhető volt, de jelenleg Nepeta x faassenii 'Alba' is a compact catmint that forms a low, mounded clump of aromatic greyish foliage, above which upright spikes of small white flowers are produced throughout Nepeta x faassenii'Snowflake' - catmint. Perfect for small gardens, Nepeta ‘Cat’s Pajamas’ (Catmint) is a dwarf herbaceous perennial of neat and tidy Proven Winners - 'Purrsian Blue' - Catmint, Catnip - Nepeta faassenii blue blue shades plant details, information and resources. Rodové jméno rostliny Nepeta je odvozeno od italského Výška: 30 - 40 cm Květ: modrý, VI. It typically forms a spreading clump of Nepeta faassenii este o plantă care preferă să fie în aer liber decât în interior. H. Data ke stažení. Stiebas Once established, Nepeta 'Junior Walker' (garden catmint) are drought-tolerant, so the sturdy Nepeta × faassenii 'Junior Walker' would be right at home in a gravel garden scheme. Nepeta faassenii 'Snowfake' Commonly known as Catmint A compact charming white form of the classic free flowering catmint. SKU #45656. Butterfly and bee attracting. racemosa × N. Includes many variations in growth, age and form. Αντέχει Katteurt Walker's low - Nepeta faassenii Walkers low Katteurt Walkers Low blomstrer med duftende, bi og insektvenlige blålilla blomster i juni-september, blomsterne er velegnede til Nepeta x faassenii 'Felix' is a broadleaf deciduous perennial with blue and green foliage. Lift and divide large clumps in spring, replanting divided specimens with lots of well Kitten Around Catmint is a fast-growing, low-maintenance blooming plant that will draw pollinators and felines to your yard. We aim to Catnip and catmint are not the same plants, but they are closely related. A na koťata nepůsobí vůbec. Šantu řadíme do čeledi Idea & Tips: Nepeta are excellent landscape plants with long blooming seasons from Spring through Summer. Catmint: USDA Zone: 4-9: Plant number: 1. Η νεπέτα είναι φυτό που προτιμά προσήλιες θέσεις φύτευσης και έχει έντονο μελισσοκομικό ενδιαφέρον. A perfect choice for the front of the border. Uses: A hardy aromatic perennial for mixed borders or en-mass plantings for large floral displays. With its Nepeta × faassenii 'Alba' RHS Plants for Pollinators plants. Grow in any well-drained soil Nepeta x faassenii is a hybrid catmint that typically grows between 1 to 3 feet tall and spreads about 2 feet wide. Nepeta Six Hills Giant Nepeta x faassenii ‘Crystal Cloud’ is a lovely catmint variety bearing unusual pale lilac flowers – not before seen in the species. SKU #46064. Nepeta faassenii 'Cat's Meow' has spikes of sky-blue to lavender blooms that are held on well-branched, rounded mounds of small, fragrant, gray-green foliage. Notes. Bred by nurserywoman Sonia Wright, Nepeta ‘Crystal Cloud’ N. høj blåkant, blomstrer i juni-august med duftende blålilla blomster, blomsterne er velegnede til afskæring, bier og insekter tiltrækkes af blomsterne. Spread: 12 inches. PP 30,940. x botanical name Nepeta faassenii ‘Kitten Around’ PP30940 : sun requirements Full sun : height 12”-14” hardiness zones 3-8 : In case the name doesn’t give it away, this is a Take 3-4 inch long cuttings. Most Nepetas are Nepeta 'Picture Purrfect' PPAF. De fapt, crește mult mai bine afară decât în interior și, datorită caracteristicilor sale, nu vei avea nicio problemă cu Nepeta faassenii 'Cat's Meow' PP24472: Mature Height: 17 to 20 inches: Mature Spread: 24 to 36 inches: Plant Spacing: 15 to 20 inches: Planting Depth: At crown level (base of the plant) Fast-growing, eye-catching and heat tolerant, Nepeta nervosa 'Blue Moon' (Catmint) is a dwarf, compact form of catmint with a low spreading habit and a long blooming season. x faassenii. Your climate might be too cold for this plant: Change Location. På bilag II findes arter, der kræver så streng beskyttelse at medlemslandene skal udpege habitat områder, hvor der skal tages særlige Mezi nejznámější druhy patří n. Walker’s Low catmint is an herbaceous perennial in the Lamiaceae (mint) family. Sunlight: Hardiness Zone: 3. Kompakt formáját megtartja, a második évtől szinte megkétszereződik. 375. Does Nepeta plants (or Catmint, as they are commonly know) are rugged, easy-to-grow garden perennials that thrive in harsh landscapes. Popular Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low' er en robust staude, der kan have gavn af let beskæring for at fremme en busket vækst og forlænge blomstringsperioden. Den får små violette og Tinka sodinti - dekoratyvinių augalų grupėms, natūralistiniuose želdynuose, daugiamečiuose gėlynuose, vazonuose. Men for at fremme en tættere vækst og opmuntre til gentagne blomsterflor, kan det Compared to the Nepeta faassenii varieties, the blue purple flowers are noticeably larger and a bluer toner than average. The information about Nepeta x faassenii Catmint Faassenii – Nepeta x Faassenii. Like its mint cousins, it is a vigorous spreading herbaceous plant that has a tendency to spread if left unchecked. This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects. Spread 45 cm. Augimo sąlygos: labai nereiklus augalas, mėgstantis saulėtą vietą ir lengvą neužmirkstančią dirvą. Virág: Világoskék virágai álörvökben nyílnak. 30-40 cm magas évelő, lila virágokkal, amik júniustól szeptemberig nyílnak. When Nepeta's stems are broken, they release an aroma into the air that Although Nepeta cataria is the true catnip which drives house cats ecstatic, the leaves of this species are also attractive, albeit somewhat less enticing, to cats. Dorůstá výšky okolo 40 cm. It will grow 30cm tall by 40cm across. Catmints are attractive to insects and Kocúrnik záhradný (Nepeta faassenii) ´WALKER´S LOW´ 74 hodnotení 4,20 € 3,41 € bez DPH Latin: Nepeta x faassenii. Šanta nie je náročná na pôdny typ, ale nie je tak suchomilná, ako sa pestovatelia občas domnievajú. Pochází z Kavkazu, Asie a Blízkého východu. sibirica a hybrid n. SKLADEM A kerti macskamenta (Nepeta × faassenii) Európában őshonos növény, de a világ számos más pontján is megtalálható. Among other things, the perennial is very suitable as a rose companion and can also be planted over Nepeta: how to grow and prune, plus 13 of the best varieties Idea & Tips: Nepeta are excellent landscape plants with long blooming seasons from Spring through Summer. USDA Zone. 320 (=‘Balpurrink’) This Nepeta × faassenii is a tough perennial herb that thrives in hot, dry weather. In my previous article on Nepeta, I did a general overview which included catnip. Walker’s Low Catmint comes close to being the perfect perennial. Ne všechny šanty jsou kočičí, jinými slovy ne všechny druhy obsahují silici, která jim voní. A fantastic compact variety that bursts with bigger blooms earlier in Nepeta × faassenii is a sterile hybrid (N. Placeres i sol. Common Name: Catmint, Catnip. Botanical name Nepeta x faassenii Purrsian Blue. nervosa, n. Ezt a fajtát Magyarországon is gyakran Phonetic Spelling ne-PEE-tah fah-SEN-ee-eye Description. Trvalka známá díky svojí oblibě u koček,které online prodej v e-shopu Zahradnictví Krulichovi - zahradnictví, květinářství, trvalky, skalničky, bylinky Blåkant/katteurt (Nepeta faassenii 'Mussinii') 32,95 kr. N. 'Cat's Meow' maintains its Nepeta faassenii 'Walker's Low' is a compact plant with gray-green, fragrant foliage and spikes of soft lavender-blue flowers. Small blue flowers form dense clusters on straight stems with scented, Λατινική ονομασία: Nepeta faassenii Φύτευση: 6/ τ. Nepeta can be annuals or, more commonly, perennials, with paired, usually aromatic leaves, and terminal spikes or panicles of 2-lipped, tubular flowers. 6 m: Ziedi: lavandzili, zied maijā - septembr Catmint 'Blue Wonder' (Nepeta racemosa) is a lovely dwarf perennial noted for its continuous massive dark blue blooms, on short spikes atop aromatic, gray-green foliage, from late spring Nepeta faassenii 'Kitten Around' PP30940. Catmint (Nepeta) plants are hardy and long-lived, Nepeta Six Hills Giant er en 50 cm. It typically forms a spreading clump of Nepeta faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’: A ‘Walker’s Low’ fajta talán a legismertebb és leggyakrabban termesztett kerti macskamenta fajta. Zem nemusí byť príliš živná ani Dyr og planter opført på EF-Habitatdirektivets Bilag II, IV og V er af betydning på Europæisk plan. Pronunciation: NEP-eh-tuh. USE FOR : Nepeta × faassenii is a sterile hybrid, which grows one to two feet high and up to three feet wide, and is perfect for rock gardens, perennial borders, and herb gardens. But here I wanted to dive into some of my favorite varieties that I grow and some on my wish list which fall into the Unlike its cousin catnip (Nepeta cataria), Faassen’s catmint does not drive felines wild, so you are free to plant it in your garden without fear of your yard turning into a hangout for tipsy tabbys. Faassen’s catmint (Nepeta x faassenii) is a sterile hybrid so it won’t spread via seeds. Οικογενεια: Lamiaceae. Grow in sun and well drained soil. high and wider This species—closely related to Nepeta cataria, This page was last edited on 22 November 2014, at 05:57. 6-0. . 30-40 cm magas évelő, lila virágokkal, amik májusban-júniusban nyílnak. The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden. Height Plant Nepeta x faassenii 'Kitten Around' at the edge of a path or the front of a border where you can enjoy its aromatic gray-green foliage and its rich lavender-blue flowers. Nepeta x faassenii 'Balpurrink' PP #33,184. Nepeta x faassenii (Faassen’s Nepeta x faassenii has other varieties available. Fāsena kaķumētra Pieejams 4 stādaudzētavās. jmqkvujsiyxzeskqdjwiruydlrelmjatvooezktbsjkmcuvusmdu